Monday, October 5, 2020

Crabs in a Bucket

Ever wonder why some people seem to bring you down? I call it "Crabs in a Bucket" syndrome. AKA CBM (Crab Bucket Mentality).  

In a perfect world, throw a bunch of crabs in a bucket and they could do two things - they could form a crab pyramid and thus allow one crab to escape, who in turn could help the other crabs out. Within a matter of minutes, they would all be free of the bucket and back in the ocean.

But in reality, if you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket and one tries to escape, the rest would pull him back in. Further more, they may actually begin to break his claws to completely hinder his progress. Unfortunately, this type of mentality is often translated into human behavior. This phrase is typical when dealing with  “toxic people” who will bring you down to their level. As the old saying goes, "misery loves company." While humans may not physically break each other, they may break each other in spirit. 

As the old proverb suggests, “be careful who you hang out with.” In life, you’ll meet a lot of people: Some will share the same interests some will not, some will agree or disagree, some will enjoy being by your side and some will part ways. But the kind you should be most careful of, are the ones who pretend to be your friend. These people will come into your life wearing a mask, and once they show you their true character “believe them!” Above all, stay in-tune with your inner compass (AKA gut feeling).

If you’re someone who’s successful, through hard work and perseverance you may want to consider the "crabs in the bucket" metaphor and protect your kingdom. You don't want to be clawing your way up in life, only to be dragged back down. One way to ensure you don't fall into a bucket full of crabs is by surrounding yourself with people who LIFT you up, as apposed to drain your energy. Choose people that strive to succeed and evolve like yourself; that are honest, reliable, respectful, and continuously attest to who they really are. And thus, you’ll be free to roam around in crystal blue waters. 

Written and posted by Rachel G.

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